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English translation for "forward alerting"


Related Translations:
ice alert:  结冰警告
forward:  adv.1.向前,前进 (opp. backward)。2.【航海】在船头,向船头(opp. aft)。3.今后,将来。4.出来,出现,表面化。短语和例子F-! 【军事】前进! from this time forward 今后。 backward(s) and forward(s) 来回地,前前后后。 carriage forward 运费由收货人照付。 date for
flash forward:  闪进
swept forward:  前掠
forward azimuth:  前方位角正向方位角
forward facing:  前向的
forward gallow:  前网板架
forward play:  前锋的打法
forwarding railway:  发送铁路
wing forward:  边锋
Example Sentences:
1.An adjuster at the fictitious jk insurance company configures intelligent notification services to forward alert messages to his blackberry
虚构的jk insurance公司的理赔师配置智能通知服务来向blackberry转发警报邮件。
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